
  • Release date : Sep 21 2014 - 12:04
  • View : 2343
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The first congress on ”Building hospitals, Managing Resources and Equipment” to be held on September 21-22, 2014 in Razi Conference Center


This congress has been organized by Shahid  Beheshti  University of Medical sciences in collaboration with other organizations in order to promote need assessment, design, implement and build new hospitals based on the latest international and national standards, improve the quality of the available hospitals, settle harmonized arrangements between all of the affiliated institutions in terms of design, consultation, contractorship, implementation and utilization , manage optimally and increase productivity of resources and equipment.

Those interested to participate in this congress are kindly required to log on to the congress website: www.hospitalbuild.irand fill out forms to register. A message of confirmed registration will be sent to applicant’s email address.  Moreover, participants are required to refer to the permanent education website: http://ircme.irto enroll separately in order to obtain CME points.

Topics to be discussed in this congress are as follows:

  • Management of health and treatment services
  • Hospital standards
  • Architectural standards and hospital technical facilities
  • Future hospitals
  • Management of resources, supplies and equipment in healthcare centers
  • Consultation on designing  and equipping hospitals
  • Designing and updating resources and emergency equipment
  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 13518